Check out 5 applications of the Internet of Things in Agroindustry

Source: Portal da Indústria/Source of the image: Portal da Indústria

The Internet of Things is all about using sensors. Connected to the internet, they allow the integration of objects, which start to perform actions by themselves. Also known as IoT (Internet of Things), the Internet of Things is one of the eight technologies studied by the Industry 2027 project. “In an intelligent and sensorial way, machines and objects interconnect and control each other, enabling, for example, a city with smart homes, transport and factories”, summarizes Professor Antonio Carlos Bordeaux, specialist in this innovation at Industria 2027.

Industry 2027 study released in October last year showed that, alongside artificial intelligence and smart and connected production, the internet of things is one of the technologies with potentially disruptive impacts by 2027 in a greater number of industry sectors. One of these sectors is Agroindustry. Important for the Brazilian economy, Agroindustry is one of the 10 production systems impacted by the technologies in question.

The Internet of Things, for example, makes it possible to track the transport of agricultural products and monitor weather conditions. Discover, below, other applications of the Internet of Things in Agroindustry: